Welcome to Biz Bestie Society


What is Biz Bestie Society?

Our exclusive community is dedicated to connecting female professionals and entrepreneurs seeking the necessary support to launch, expand, and elevate their businesses by leveraging OPM (Other People’s Money)

Our Mission

Our mission is to equip our members with the tools, mindset, and knowledge to excel financially, leading to financial freedom, wealth creation, and financial self-assurance. 

You're here because you want to make big changes in your life, like having more money, feeling better in your soul and body, and taking good care of your family. I totally get it—building a business that lasts and grows is really hard work. Big high-five for never giving up on making your money dreams come true! 

Biz Bestie Society is here to help you get the money you need for your business, without all the confusing stuff. Think of us as your super-helpful friends who give you just what you need to make your business awesome. We're cheering you on every step of the way!

Join our business funding community today and gain access to a network of like-minded entrepreneurs and professionals who share your passion for success. With expert guidance, resources, and support at your fingertips, you'll be equipped with the tools you need to secure the funding required to take your business to new heights. 
Don't wait any longer, take the first step towards financial stability and join us now.

About the Founder

Hey Biz Bestie, I'm Rita Owens!

I help female entrepreneurs leverage other people's money to grow and scale their businesses using my signature FUNDHer™ Ready Formula.
Regardless of whether you’ve been in business for YEARS… Or, only a few short months… One POWERFUL fact remains the same: Draining your personal bank accounts to pay for your business expenses is not the answer!
As a female entrepreneur and investor, I understand the unique challenges that women often face when it comes to securing funding for their businesses. That's why I created Biz Bestie Society, to help provide a space where female entrepreneurs can come together, learn, and support each other. I want to empower women to take control of their finances, and provide them with the necessary resources to take the guesswork out of building an investor-ready business.
Our community is a place where women can access expert guidance, receive feedback on their business goals, and connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs. I am passionate about supporting female entrepreneurs in achieving their dreams and building successful businesses, and our community is a reflection of that passion.
 Empowering female entrepreneurs to START, GROW, & SCALE investor-worthy businesses!